Sending the right message to the right audience helps with campaign success. You can improve conversion rate only when the campaign reaches the right person. 

For instance, if you are promoting new starters to a audience segment that is just one-visit old, then they may not probably visit your store. There are fewer chances this segment would purchase new products at your store. 

Audience selection is an important part of the campaign. 

All Customers: You can choose to send this campaign to all the customers in your store. If you have a generic announcement that you want to make, then you can go with this selection. Ideally, when you have opened a new outlet or, you have opened up after a long time, then you can use this audience list. 

Target Groups: Based on RFM analysis, you will get seven pre-defined segments of customers. Here are the seven different segments:

  • Loyal Customer: They are high spenders at your outlet. They may not visit frequently but, they definitely love spending time at your store and engaging with your business. 
  • Promising Customers: They are your happy customers whose average order value is on the higher side. 
  • New Customers: They have just been added to your list of customers. There is a good scope they might come again to your store
  • Lost Customers: They were once your most engaged and high spending customer segment. However, for some reason they have not come to your store in months
  • At Risk Customers: They are at risk of becoming your dormant or lost customers. Their last visit was months back
  • Champions: Your happiest segment. They spend more, visit frequently and have been to your outlet quite recently
  • Needs Attention: This segment needs nurturing so that they turn into a happy and satisfied customer. 

You can choose to send your next campaign to one of these segments, depending on the nature of promotion and the objective. 

Custom Segment: If you don't want to send the campaign to the pre-defined segments or to all your customers, then you can create your own lists. Custom lists allows you to select audience and segment them with ease. 

Note: If an audience segment has received a campaign in the last 14 days, you can avoid sending this campaign to them. You can also avoid sending the campaign to the customers who haven't opened any of your last five campaigns.