It is equally important to send your campaign on the right channels so that you can engage your customers better. 

You can reach your audience on SMS and Emails. 

When you select the channel that you want to send on, you will get a reachability for the channel. For instance, you have chosen to send a campaign to your lost customer segment. Of the total customers in the segment, only 800 have provided their email. As a result, your email reachability is 800. However, all the customers in the segment have provided their mobile number. This means your SMS reach is higher for this campaign. 

Along with the reach of the campaign, it will also show the credits you have for individual channels. If it is enough for the campaign, you can send it right away. However, if the credits are not enough, you might have to recharge them.

In this example template, you will see that there aren't enough email credits in the balance. When you click on recharge credits, you will be taken to the plan selection screen. 

Depending on the total customers you are reaching through the channel, make the plan selection. Recharge the credits for the channel, and go to select the time for sending campaigns. 

Once you have created the campaign, selected the audience and the channel, schedule the send time for the campaign.